Swan SES members have had plenty of opportunity this year to up skill. Through neighbouring SES units such as Belmont, Regional Operations Support, Bayswater SES units, as well as regional DFES run course we have had the chance to gain skills in the following areas.
First aid
Operate Communications Systems and Equipment
Chainsaw Operations
Storm Damage Operations
Work as an Emergency Operations team member
Australasian Inter Agency Incident Manage System (AIIMS)
Urban Search And Rescue Cat 1
Introduction to Fire Fighting
Bush Fire Fighting
Amongst others.
Within SES through a combination of paid staff, and experienced volunteers these courses are run at no cost to the participant. All courses are run under the Department of Emergency Services Academy registered training organisation. Many courses once completed give you a nationally recognised qualification.
if you are interested in joining the SES please give us a call or use the contact us link on this website. We are always looking for new members as many hands make light work during an emergency situation.
Once you are qualified in a skill you also have the chance to assist delivering training, with a formal course available in training and assessment.